Knit Pray Share

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Gift Giving

“Do everything in love.”—1 Corinthians 16:14

We are all called to minister outside of the church. Because God is with us, the church should be with us wherever we go. We are to serve the Lord in all we do. While it may not seem like it, Threads With Red is a ministry where God can use those of us that knit and crochet to share His love. With all of the hate and animosity in our world, this is a small way that we can show our love to others. This is what Threads With Red is about…reaching out to someone to let them know you notice them and that they make a difference

While you may not realize it, encouraging others is a spiritual gift. We live in a world of self absorption. We become indifferent to those around us. How many times do our eyes glaze over when we see someone on the street asking for money or food? I know that this should REALLY bother me, but many times, I avoid eye contact, and keep on driving. Or how often do we stare at our phone rather than make eye contact with the person checking us out at the store?

I know sharing God’s love can be intimidating, but by handing someone a gift you have made with God’s Word on the tag is a nonthreatening way to let someone know that you are a follower of Jesus. When I gave away my coffee cup cozy, I put it on a reusable coffee cup  with a $10 Starbucks card inside of it. A store clerk kept coming to my mind when I would pray about who should receive it. When I went to that store to return something, guess who was at the customer service counter? The exact person who kept coming to my mind to receive my gift! 

Many of the gifts that I have given away are to people that work at retail establishments that I frequent on a regular basis. Watch what happens when you check out somewhere and you make eye contact, smile, thank them and tell them to have a good day. Sometimes you may get a look of shock because they aren't used to being treated like they matter. However, it is even more of a blessing when I am able to also give them one of my handmade gifts. 

Dear Lord, 

Help me to spread Your Word and Your love through my Knit, Pray, Share gifts. I know that “playing it safe" will not advance Your kingdom, so I ask You to help me to be bolder in my faith. I thank you that you are able to speak through my hands and heart. Enable me to live out  1 Corinthians 16:14…to do everything in love.

If you have been memorizing this months scripture,“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”—Galatians 5:22-23how are you doing with it?

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit Pray Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed #KnitPrayShare.