Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation
Pine Ridge Reservation located in South Dakota is home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The population for the Lakota people is around 40,000. They suffer from extreme poverty. Many of the homes do not have heat or running water.
Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation (FoPRR) has and excellent website that states all of the needs for the children, elders and families that are living in poverty on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Not only do they have an amazing website, but there are link for free patterns. Their Pinterest board is another place for ideas on what to make. You can also follow them on Twitter @FoPRR.
The website states, “These organizations, always understaffed and underfunded, struggle in turn to serve thousands of children, women and men in dire need. Please do not underestimate the importance of a small donation. Your contribution, sent directly to a reservation organization – even if only a single pair of socks for a child who has none – makes a huge impact when combined with many others.”
While I know I can’t save the world, I’d like to get the word out about this organization to help them in what little way we can through our hands and our hearts. When we knit or crochet items to donate, we can be praying for whoever might receive this gift. Your gift can give them hope that someone loves and cares about their needs that are not being met.
Items needed for toddlers, children and the elders that we can make include: Afghans of all sizes, lap blankets, clothing items, scarves, neck warmers, mittens/gloves, hats, slippers, socks, and shawls.
Because this is Knit, Pray, Share, I’d like to encourage you to keep with the theme by threading the color red into your projects. This is to remind the recipient of your gift that they are loved by a God who died on the cross for us.
With mittens and socks, you can make the cuffs or ribbing and the tips in red. Do the ribbing on your hat in red and top it with a red pom pom. Any patterns and fibers are okay to use, they only ask to not use owls on anything because they are a symbol of death in the Lakota culture.
I have found some free online patterns, that can be found on the “Pattern Ideas” tab. There are also gift tags that you can print to attach to you items before you mail them.
In addition, I encourage you to post pictures of what you are making on any social media using our hashtag #threadswithred, #knitprayshare and #FoPRR so they can see the love we are spreading. ❤️
Mail the items to the addresses below:
Via Post Office use this address only:
Clothes Closet
Wounded Knee District School
P.O. Box 350
Manderson, SD 57756
Via UPS or FedEx this address only:
Clothes Closet
Wounded Knee District School
201 Main Street
Manderson, SD 57756