Knit Pray Share

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How God Showed up at Spin Class

For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.””—Matthew 18:20(NLT)

Several years ago, I started a women’s knitting ministry at the church where I attend. We have moved locations a few times. This past spring, when a coffee shop opened in our lobby, we were excited to move back to the church campus. It was short lived when the coffee shop quit operating during the week. I found out this week that another local coffee shop is going to take it over and be open during the week in the mornings. 

During spin class on Friday morning, I felt God impress on my heart to bring scripture into our group setting. I have been posting about monthly memory verses, but how many people are actually memorizing and retaining them with me? In all honesty, I have no problem memorizing them every month but I can’t say that I have retained every one of them. I know if I am struggling with this than others must be too. What can I do to change this?

I felt like God was speaking to me and telling me, “bring these memory verses to your knitting group to dig a little deeper.” I haven’t told the group my intentions yet, but I think they will be on board with it. Of course, it will be optional. For those that want to participate, great and if not, they can listen to our discussions or put in some headphones to tune us out😉.

I think that if we take our memory verse and do some research on it, we will be more invested in memorizing it and applying it to our lives. Each week, we can share if we have been able to implement it, our struggles with it or if God has revealed anything about it to share with the others. This is something we can easily do while we knit. 

As a group, we can decide on mission projects that we can knit or crochet to bless others. We will attach a gift tag with our memory verse on it. This way, we are knitting, praying and sharing the love of Jesus through our handmade gifts.

You don’t have to be in a knitting group to do this. Do you have a few friends you could do this with over coffee once a week? Or maybe with a few people in your office during your lunch break? Try it for a month and see what transpires. 

Dear Lord,
     Help me to remember that when two or three gather in your name, You are with us. I pray for You to lay on the hearts of other Christian women the desire to create a weekly meeting to dig deeper into the monthly memory verse. Carve out time for each and every one of us to be able to mediate on scripture to share with others. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

If you are memorizing Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you,”  was there a time this week when you choose to trust God rather than give into fear?

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed #KnitPrayShare and attach tag to whatever gift you make.