Knit Pray Share

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The Best Gift...Jesusđź’•

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”—John 3:16

While this is a memory verse most people know that grew up in the church, it may not be one that every person reading this blog has memorized. Because of that, I thought it would be a good one for this month. December is usually a pretty crazy month, so if this is a scripture that you already have imprinted on your heart, it will make it easier for you to share it with others when you give them your gift.

This scripture sums up the Gospel in one sentence. God gave His one and only son so that we could all have eternal life. Let us celebrate, not just the month of December but every day, this glorious free gift given to us! This is the perfect verse to share with those that may not know Jesus and maybe even invite someone to your Christmas Eve church service.

While, I know I have been making weekly projects to give away, I realize that isn’t realistic for most. Don’t feel like you have to make a weekly project to share. Why not make it a goal to make one project a month to share with someone that you would like to acknowledge for making a difference in your life. 

This is what Threads with Red is all about…letting people know that they matter. It is about letting someone that crosses your path on a regular basis, know that you appreciate their hard work, while others might not even acknowledge them. Make it a point whenever you check out somewhere to thank the cashier and tell them to have a nice day. It isn’t much, but being kind to others really does matter. 

I choose to make the braided headband pattern written by fellow knitter Stella Merante. You can find her as WeKtog on Ravelry. If you don’t have a Ravelry account, You can download and print the PDF from my patterns link under "Hats and Headbands." It is a beautiful headband with a twisted braid. I already have in mind who I would like to bless with the one I made pictured in the photo above. 

The braiding in this project reminds me of John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." As believers, we are grafted into God's family. Doesn't this headband remind you of the branches intertwined around the vine? It does to me. The crocheted red edging is to keep the Threads with Red theme of being sealed with the blood of Christ from the beginning to the end. 

Please join me this month in both memorizing John 3:16 and pray for God to lay on your heart who should receive this fun headband. Pray for whoever receives it to receive the best gift ever...Jesus!

While you are working on your project, please share a photo of it on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtags #KnitPrayShare and #threadswithred or post on the Knit Pray Share Facebook page.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your gift of eternal life through Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to remember this not this month but every day. I ask that You open my eyes to those that are put in my pathway that are in need of a kind word or smile this week. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen!