Knit Pray Share

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Am I Overlooking Someone?

“For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”—1 John 3:11

Last week, I challenged you to knit a gift and give it to someone that makes a difference in your every day life. I wasn’t sure who I was going to give my last praying hands washcloth to you, but God knew. My husband, his sister and I had finished packing up my mother-in-law’s apartment. We had the movers dropping off a load to a Good Will Donation Center when we were finished.

When we got there, there was a young woman that was helping us. She made a comment about being due any day now. I looked down at her stomach and realized, “Oh, my gosh, she is pregnant….very pregnant!” We had been there about 10 minutes and I hadn’t even noticed that. We were so busy trying to unload the items, I hadn’t even taken the time to really look at who was helping us. God nudged me to go get the washcloth out of my purse to give to her.

I couldn’t help but think, “How many other people don’t acknowledge people that help them? How many of us, just drop off our stuff, get our receipt and don’t even look at the person’s face?” I was really convicted about how it is so easy to rush to get things done, that I may overlook someone that needs an encouraging word or smile.

As I gave her the washcloth, I let her know that I prayed over it and that every time she washed her baby with it, to remember that it had been covered in prayer. I also told her, “I know you may not think you make a difference, but you do. It takes people like you helping people like me and I appreciate your help.” It wasn’t much and I don’t know if it made a difference in her day or not, but I do know that I felt God tell me that I needed to give her my handmade gift. 

The tag on my gift, encourages those that receive it to post on some form or social media using the hashtag #ThreadsWithRed if the gift made a difference in their day. So far, I haven’t gotten any feedback, but that isn’t why I am doing this. In fact, when I give away my gifts, I try to let it be a private moment with that person. Letting someone know that they matter in God’s Kingdom matters more to me than any social media post.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see a picture of your gift on social media. Keep on knitting and keep on loving….that’s what the Bible tells us to do. Okay, it doesn’t literally tells us to knit, but you are metaphorically knitting Jesus into the lives of others when you share His love with them. 

“For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”—1 John 3:11

Dear Lord, Thank You using someone like me, to show the love of Jesus. Help me to trust that my gifts are making a difference. Continue to guide my hands and heart as I knit this week. It’s in Your Precious Son’s name, I ask these things. Amen!

How are you doing memorizing this month’s scripture? “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”John 3:16