Knit Pray Share

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Am I Making a Difference?

“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes”—James 4:14

Every day we have the opportunity to wake up and say, “Today I am going to live my life differently.” 

I feel pretty confident that at the age of 89, my mother-in-law doesn’t think of life as being short. As I sit in the chair and knit in her room, knowing that she is in the last stage of her life, I can’t help but reflect on my life. While physically, I am not facing death as she is, it makes me question if I am doing enough in my life to live like Jesus?

While I know it is morbid to think these thoughts, I can’t help but I ask myself, “If I were to die tomorrow, what would people remember about me?” I’d like to think some of the thoughts would be, “She loved the Lord and made a difference in God’s Kingdom.” 

When I am facing death will I choose to face and embrace it? I have a decision on what kind of legacy that I will leave for my family. I don’t want to be a death’s door wishing I would have lived my life differently. Starting this blog is a step in the right direction. It has definitely taken me out of my comfort zone. What else can I be doing to share God’s love? Am I more concerned about material things or Kingdom things? These are tough questions to ask myself and answer. 

I am still amazed at how God has used knitting as a conduit for me to share His love with others. There are millions of other knitters in the world. I know it is hard to believe that there are that many of us, but according to the Yarn Craft Council of America, there are “over 53 million knitters in the United States and over 7.3 million in the UK.” is a worldwide social networking website for people who knit, weave, crochet or spin. It has over 7 million members, 200,000 likes on their Facebook page and over 101,000 Twitter followers. 

For those of us that knit or crochet, look at those numbers! I don’t know how many of those millions are Christians, but if it is only one percent in the United States, that means there are over a half a million of us that can spread God’s love through the items we make! It only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life.

Dear Lord, help me to live my life with an eternal perspective. None of us know how long our time here is, but You do. I want to make a difference in Your Kingdom. I ask that You lead me to someone that is in need of Your encouraging Word to receive my knitted gift this week. Continue to reveal to me Your continual flow of blessings in my every day life.

 I will be giving away the praying hands washcloths with one of my tags attached to it. 

Continue to to commit to memory, “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”--Psalm 106:1